HMF - Hare Mary Foundation
HMF stands for Hare Mary Foundation
Here you will find, what does HMF stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hare Mary Foundation? Hare Mary Foundation can be abbreviated as HMF What does HMF stand for? HMF stands for Hare Mary Foundation. What does Hare Mary Foundation mean?Hare Mary Foundation is an expansion of HMF
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Alternative definitions of HMF
- Hutchinson's Melanotic Freckle
- Human Micro Flora
- Horizontal Mating Facility
- Hypergol Maintenance Facility
- Hear Me Foundation
- Historic Morristown Foundation
- Hospital de Medicina Familiar
View 41 other definitions of HMF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HMGSDT Hare Mary Grammar School for the Deaf, The
- HHTL Harewood House Trust Limited
- HLCS Harewood's Lord Charitable Settlement
- HDST Harlow and District Sports Trust
- HC Harlow College
- HCVS Harlow Council for Voluntary Service
- HETL Harmeny Education Trust Limited
- HHC Harris HospisCare
- HH Harrison Homes
- HPFT Harrison Peter Foundation, The
- HHCF Harrogate Hospital and Community Friends
- HIFL Harrogate International Festival Limited
- HLC Harrogate Ladies College
- HSMLT Harry Simpson Memorial Library Trust
- HCFE Hartlepool College of Further Education
- HSFC Hartlepool Sixth Form College
- HVDA Hartlepool Voluntary Development Agency
- HNPMT Hartley N and P Memorial Trust
- HC Hartpury College
- HH Harvest Help